Assalamualaikum wbt..
Alhamdulillah, it’s been a long time since I updated my blog. I am really sorry readers. Many things happened that me myself just couldn’t afford it without HIS help and blessings. Syukur Ya ALLAH for the strength that YOU give to me! I am glad and proud to be one of your servant and at the same time khalifah, insyaALLAH J. Do remind me Oh ALLAH if I have done something wrongly as I am just an ordinary person who makes mistakes. *senyum simpul
Every single day living abroad teaches me a new thing. Whether it gives me a good memory or the opposite, Alhamdulillah I really appreciate it! Thank you for being my asam garam in my life ;). And thank you ALLAH for such experiences. They really make me a better person as time goes on, insyaALLAH.
To ummi and buya, both of you are such the best parents ever that I have ever had!! Giving me support when I need it, hearing my cries though big girl don’t cry but you guys know me well enough.*rasa macam anak manja pulak. InsyaALLAH Siti will do the best here with ALLAH’s help. The only thing that Siti nak,hehe is……………....Do miss me always!!!
To my other family members including atok nenek, makcik2, pakcik2, siblings, and cousins, thank you for ‘skype’ing with me and made my day! Miss all of you so so so so so so so much!!* Oh masa!! Tolonglah berlalu dangan cepat…
Last but not least,*rasa macam buat karangan BI pulak..just wanna share with you guys, one verse from Quran and I really like this ayah..
"Dan barang siapa berserah diri kepada Allah, sedang dia orang yang berbuat kebaikan, maka sesungguhnya dia telah berpegang kepada bahul(tali) yang kukuh. Hanya kepada Allah kesudahan segala urusan"
(Luqman;31 : 22)
See you guys later! Biiznillah J