Isnin, 7 April 2014
~KoReAn FeveR~
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar.
Alhamdulillah kerana masih diberi peluang untuk menulis.
Tajuk? Sounds boring, isn’t it? Oh, please don’t! But this is the fact. The
fever hasn’t gone down. Instead it worsens and the temperature seems to rise
even more.
Truly speaking, sy sendiri pernah terjangkit demam yang sama
and it was 5-6 years back I guess. Sanggup tidur lewat untuk habiskan satu
cerita. Menangis bila tiba babak sedih. Tertawa tatkala babak lucu muncul.
Allah..Dan pada waktu tu, sy masih belum sedar akan tujuan
penciptaan manusia di muka bumi. Sedih. Sedih? Yes, I am very SAD. Why? Because
the time I spent for it is too much that I can actually use it for something
beneficial, something important (ie. read books about companions of Nabi SAW,
history of development of Islam and many others). Important for whom? For me! For
me to enhance my knowledge about Islam for myself and for Ummah and the most
important part is to do preparations for me to face Allah during the Day of
The fact that some people know that this fever is a waste of
time, has nothing to do in deepening their knowledge about ad-Deen so and so
forth but they still can bear with it is just so pitiful. And I feel so
helpless that I can’t do nothing to help my own friend. I blame myself for it.
Hasn’t I been a good muslimah yet? Hasn’t I showed any good akhlak of a muslim yet?
*it’s time to muhasabah myself.
Day by day, as time passes I realize something that for us
to get rid of something it does need our sincere intention (niat) and be
friends with people that will remind us to get closer to Allah. Alhamdulillah Allah
has guided me. And I pray that Allah will guide others too, Ameen.
After all, just a reminder for me and for us from a verse in
the Quran,
And the worldly life is not
but amusement and diversion; but the home of the Hereafter is best for those
who fear Allah, so will you not reason?
Al-An’am, 6: 32